Panier d'achat 01A) Gestion des règles d'envoi Fedex

Dans cet article, nous vous présentons comment configurer votre mode d’expédition FedEx. Ce mode est uniquement disponible avec la boutique en ligne avancée et vous permet d’offrir une expédition urgente pour vos impressions.

La première chose à faire est d'aller sur le site Web de FedEx
Once on the FedEx website you will want to log in your account. if you do not have an account, you can sign up here.

When logged in, click on move to production.

You will then be redirected to the application screen. To start the application, click on the get production key button.

Once the application is started, the first screen is your profile. You will want to fill it like this.

Select no for the first section, select the Web service for shipping box and select corporate developer.

Once you are done filling your profile, click the continue button. On the next page, you will have to accept the license agreement. Click the I accept button.

The next step is to fill in your contact information. Once you are done, click the continue button.

Since you did not register as a consultant, you will not have to provide the developer information.

The last step is the confirmation step. After completing the process, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Note: Due to the sensitivity of this information, the production authentication key is not provided in the confirmation email. Please retain this information for your records.

Now that you have your production key, you can then go to and create a new shipping mode for FedEx


To create a new shipping mode, you first need to open your shopping cart tab in your MyDakis account.

Next, under the shipping heading, click on modes to create your FedEx mode.

Once on the my shipping mode pages, click on add new to create your new shipping mode and select the FedEx option.

Your new FedEx shipping mode will then appear. You will now want to edit it by clicking the edit button.

After clicking the edit button, you will now be able to edit the shipping mode. You can change the name and make some price adjustments. Then, you will want to enter your FedEx production key, your FedEx account password, your account number and your meter number. Once you are done filling all the required fields, click the save button.